Re: How can I get unsigned Jars for JWSDP1.4

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <Ryan.Shoemaker_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2004 11:36:22 -0400

Lixin Han wrote:
> I have downloaded JWSDP1.4 and all the jars in it are signed, if I use
> those Jars with Axis, it will create security problem, only when Axis
> uses same classes.
> For Example:
> in Axis jaxrpc.jar has "javax.xml.namespace.QName.class"
> in JWSDP jax-qname.jar has sane class, but it is signed
> if in my classes jaxrpc.jar is defined before jax-qname.jar, by using
> JAXB it creates security problem
> How, Where can I get the unsigned jWSDP Jars

We don't distribute unsigned versions of the jar files.

You could unjar everything, strip the signatures out of the manifest
files, and then rejar everything. I agree this is a hassle.

I don't have any experience mixing jar with Axis - does anyone else
on the list have other suggestions for Lixin to try?

I suppose you could run javap on QName and compare the signatures
of the classes in both jar files. If they are the same, you might
be able to throw away the unsigned version. IIRC, the JWSDP has a
newer version than Axis, so this might not work.



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