Re: Problems Deploying FCS with Tomcat

From: Marcus Walls <>
Date: Wed, 12 Mar 2003 09:27:29 +0000

Problem solved, although I'm a little confused.

I think I was trying to solve too many problems at once, and my various
solutions all conflicted with each other.

Clearing out my ${CATALINA_HOME}shared\lib directory and adding the
following JARS to my WEB-INF\lib worked fine:


I'm a bit confused though, as I expected to have problems with these
JARs not being in the JWSDP directory structure, but I'm not complaining.

However, this same approach doesn't appear to work in WebSphere but I'll
post something separate about that to avoid confusion.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bhakti Mehta [mailto:Bhakti.Mehta_at_Sun.COM]
Sent: Tuesday, March 11, 2003 7:11 PM
Subject: Re: Problems Deploying FCS with Tomcat

Hi Marcus,
JAXB1.0 fcs is bundled as part of JWSDP1.1 .
 The changes to the instructions from beta to fcs would be that the jars
are now located in
So you may need to overwrite your jars from beta with the jars from
these folders.
Also the rest of the instructions especially placing the bgm.ser and the files in the jar
files still hold good.

Have you tried deploying the war on Tomcat which is bundled with the
JWSDP1.1? That should work.
 Incase you can send in some code or your war file I would be glad to
try it with Tomcat 4.1.8 and/or the JWSDP and let you know.


Marcus Walls wrote:

>I'm attempting to upgrade my JAXB 1.0 BETA application to work
>with JAXB 1.0 FCS and have run into some problems.
>I'm getting the following stack-trace when I deploy my app into
>Tomcat 4.1.18 which was working fine before the upgrade:
>javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: Provider com.sun.xml.bind.ContextFactory
could not be instantiated: java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException
> - with linked exception:
> at javax.xml.bind.ContextFinder.newInstance(
> at
> at javax.xml.bind.ContextFinder.find(
> at javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance(
> at javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext.newInstance(
>I followed the instructions at
>but I'm not convinced that they've been updated for the FCS release.
>Has anybody got this working with Tomcat at all?