Re: Null pointer exception during unmarshalling

From: <>
Date: Tue, 24 Feb 2004 17:31:12 -0500


I try to work around this issue by:
1. removing the prefix and its namespace in the root node (using the DOM API, since the Node for the BodyElement has already constructed by SAAJ)
2. pass the root node to the unmarshaller.

i.e. I change this
<m:mybody xml:m="url of schema" > <child> text </child> </m:mybody>
<mybody xml="url of schema" > <child> text </child></m:mybody>

But the unmarshaller has an error saying 'namespace URI of tag "child" is wrong. It must be "url of the schema" '

However, if i serialize the root node to the byte stream, and then pass this byte stream to the unmarshaller, it unmarshalls with no problem.

Can someone please tell me if there is a way to config the unmarshaller to accept the default namespace in the root node?

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