- "unexpected character literal " Validation Exception
- AW: Issue 6 Exception when Unmarshalling an element with int or double list as a value
- AW: marshalling CDATA data
- Bug in valdiator cycle detection?
- ClassCastException at com.sun.xml.xsom.impl.parser.state.complexType
- Current state of implClass
- Deprecated classes
- Does xjc support default namespace?
- How does JAXB handle enumeration?
- How to resolve class/interface conflict
- Integer in Enumeration value
- Issue 6 Exception when Unmarshalling an element with int or d ouble list as a value
- Issue 6 Exception when Unmarshalling an element with int or doubl e list as a value
- Issue 6 Exception when Unmarshalling an element with int or double list as a value
- JAXB and calendar datas
- JAXB complexType code generation problem
- marshalling CDATA data
- Null pointer exception during unmarshalling
- pattern in a simple type
- Problem when marshaling a object which contained a DOM element as its field
- Unsymmetrical validation
- Validation exception in JAXB
- xjc compile questoin
- Last message date: Thu Feb 26 23:53:00 2004
- Archived on: Thu Sep 21 15:16:09 2017 PDT