Re: Running XJC from within my program?

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <Ryan.Shoemaker_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 30 Jul 2004 11:08:24 -0400

Aleksei Valikov wrote:

> Hi.
> What woulc be the best choice to run XJC from my program?
> Currently I'm invoking Driver.main(...), but it does not seem to be the
> best way.

That's probably your best bet. We don't have a standard public interface
for invoking the compiler at this point. The only other thing I can think
of is programmatically invoking our Ant XJCTask, but that might be more of
a hassle than what you are doing now. The difference is that you would be
more insulated from changes we make in the RI, but we really don't make
significant changes to very often.


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