RE: Plugin for EJB 3.0 annotations

From: Scott Allan <>
Date: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 16:19:06 -0500

I have added some functionality but I am far from done!


Now <ejb3:Entity/> and <ejb3:isSetTransient/> can be declared at the
class level.

<ejb3:Entity> will obviously annotate the bean as an entity bean.

<ejb3:isSetTransient> will mark all "isSet" methods as @Transient since
they are not valid fields for persistence.

The <ejb3:annotate> customizations still exist with these changes:

For <ejb3:annotation..> valid "type" attribute values are now:

get, set, get-set, and isSet

to identify which property methods should be annotated. Class level
annotations do not require a "type" attribute.



        <ejb3:annotation className="class name goes here (ex.
javax.persistence.Column)" type="valid type goes here">

                <ejb3:param label="myparam1" stringValue="myvalue1"/>

                <ejb3:param label="myparam2" stringValue="myvalue2"/>





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