Re: XJC : Leading Underscores and underscoreBinding

From: Hank Ratzesberger <>
Date: Thu, 26 Jun 2003 08:55:16 -0700


My success is limited, but from the other thread, it sounds
like you have some options. It is actually the iso 19115
schemas I am trying to work with. They include only
one element type from GML -- point. So, I have
cut and pasted until I have a valid subset.

There was only one collision and I fixed that through
a <class> bindings.

It is a concern that these schemas are so difficult to
compile, but I don't think the schema designers were
thinking in terms of automating interfaces -- there
are too many layers of abstract types and substitution


----- Original Message -----
From: "Pratt, Jerald" <>
Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 11:50 PM
Subject: Re: XJC : Leading Underscores and underscoreBinding

> Hank,
> I am also trying to use the GML Xml Schemas and have been having a variety
> of problems. It seems that you have been a bit more successful than I
> been, though. You can look for the thread titled "Use of <appinfo> with
> JAXB" in this mail list regarding my issues.
> I admit I'm new to JAXB and I'm not familar with the binding files and
> how/why to use them. I'm guess you have been using some binding files to
> get around some issues with the way the GML schemas have been implemented.
> Is this true?
> Jerald Pratt
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hank Ratzesberger []
> Sent: Wednesday, June 25, 2003 3:48 PM
> Subject: Re: XJC : Leading Underscores and underscoreBinding
> I made an error on my original post, but now I recall
> why I misunderstood. The attached file declares three
> <jxb:bindings schemaLocation=""> elements. Within
> are three <xjb:globalBindings ...> elements. However,
> XJC reports and error, that only the first specified
> globalBindings is valid:
> [ERROR] Specified globalBinding customization is not used.
> line 38 of iso19115.xjb
> [ERROR] Specified globalBinding customization is not used.
> line 21 of iso19115.xjb
> I have also tried enclosing all the jxb:bindings elements
> in a <jxb:bindings> element, which XJC accepts, but it
> does not honor -- the class names are created without
> _ (so far as I can tell, since it is not compiling due to
> name conflicts).
> I want to use _ in created classes for all the schemas,
> and I also need to perform a couple specific classname
> transformations. What am I doing wrong?
> And thanks to everyone. Hopefully I'll soon be
> able to contribute -- more than questions.
> --Hank
> ============================================
> Replying to a list? I'll get my copy there!
> Hank Ratzesberger
> |
> Institute for Crustal Studies
> University of California, Santa Barbara
> ============================================