Announce: Incubated-JaxMe 0.2

From: Jochen Wiedmann <>
Date: Thu, 20 Nov 2003 08:13:38 +0100


I'd like to announce incubated-jaxme 0.2. This is the first version of the
former hosted JaxMe 2 after migration to the Apache Incubator project.

Note: JaxMe is an incubated subproject under the sponsorship of the Apache
Software Foundation's (ASF) Web Services project. Incubation is required of
all newly accepted projects until a further review indicates that the
infrastructure, communications, and decision making process have
stabilized in a manner consistent with other successful ASF projects. While
incubation status is not necessarily a reflection of the completeness or
stability of the code, it does indicate that the project has yet to be fully
endorsed by the ASF.

incubated-jaxme 0.2 is available in the directory ws/jaxme on any Apache
mirror site: See for details. For
questions or suggestions, contact the mailing list
Finally, the Apache Bugzilla may on
may be used for bug reports.

incubated-jaxme 0.2 includes the following components:

- JaxMe, an in-progress implementation of the JAXB specification. See

   for details. Compared to the previous version on this release
   includes mainly bug fixes.

- JaxMePM, a persistence management framework for JAXB generated classes.
   The framework includes an objectrelational mapper and two accessors
   for XML databases via XML:DB or the native Tamino API. The framework
   is currently loosely coupled to JaxMe, but could very well be used
   with any JAXB generator. See

   for details.

- A clean room implementation of the JAXB API. See

   for details. This implementation replaces the files jaxb-api.jar,
   jax-qname.jar, and namespace.jar from the JAXB RI.

- JaxMeXS, a parser for XML Schema, specifically designed for code
   generators based on XML Schema or language extensions like JAXB.

   for details.

- JaxMeJS, a generic framework for writing source generators. It views
   the generated sources as an object tree, which may be manipulated in
   multiple stages. For example, in the case of JaxMe, one distinguishes
   between elements with multiplicity 1 (single objects) and multiplicity
> 1 (lists). The pipelining process enables handling of these elements
   in two stages, where stage 2 (lists) is based on the work of stage 1
   (single objects). JaxMeJS includes a framework for generating SQL
   queries, following the same ideas. See

   for details.

Regards for reading until this point :-)

Jochen Wiedmann

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