Re: Spaces in names

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Tue, 10 Nov 2009 08:09:16 +0100

Just submitted issue 713, requesting that names violating the NCName syntax
be flagged as an error.

Checking of the name field of annotations is less important since a space
being there has the same quality as a typo resulting in a syntactically
correct name: it doesn't match with the name in the XML data file.

Thanks for reporting, Dennis!

On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 11:04 PM, Dennis Sosnoski <> wrote:
> JAXB RI's schema model checks for invalid non-whitespace characters in
> names, but does not check for leading or trailing whitespace. This means
> that if a schema contains names like "book "or " book" they are happily
> accepted and converted into annotations, then used at runtime (meaning the
> output is generated with the extra whitespace, but they're never matched on
> input because the whitespace is discarded by the parser).
> Seems to me to be clearly an error. The schema model should check for
> whitespace along with other characters not allowed by NCName, and this
> should also be checked when processing the annotations.
> JAXB is not alone in this handling, by the way. I saw a report by an Axis2
> user that this was happening with Axis2's ADB binding as well as JAXB, and
> verified the JAXB issue myself. My own JiBX binding also allows the spaces
> at present, though I'll change that for the next release.
>  - Dennis
> --
> Dennis M. Sosnoski
> XML and Web Services in Java
> Training and Consulting
> -
> Seattle, WA +1-425-939-0576 - Wellington, NZ +64-4-298-6117
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