Listing of required Permissions

From: Mark Brouwer <>
Date: Wed, 05 Mar 2003 15:37:30 +0100

Would it be possible to include in the release notes a list of the
required permissions (for use of the RI with a security manager
installed) to run the code. This would be extremely handy for those who
use a security policy different from 'permission' ;-)

I had to collect them by trial and error, which I don't like. I
could provide a list here myself but as I also use other third party
libraries I can't tell with certainty whether they are for the JAXB
implementation or the other jar files I'm using.

BTW I'm not that happy with the property name 'DEBUG_SUN_MSV' that is
used by the RI. I'm used of Sun to name their properties something like
com.sun.jaxb.debug This would allow me to wildcard them for particular

I guess that failing to read a debug property should be seen as being
'false' and therefore it shouldn't crash the code. The posting of Jason
Tang also shows that it really hinders deployment in an applet for
Mark Brouwer