> my problem is, that JAXB report correct validation error message but its
> locator returns only the parent object of the incorrect leaf (node).
> Why do you don't give the real JAXB object that cause the validation error?
Because sometimes it's not the object that causes the error but its absence.
> With that information it whould be possible to walk through the whole tree,
> find parents....
> I use on-demand validation. I want to validate the JAXB tree not a xml
> file.
> Therefore the parser can't report line and column information where the
> error occures - I have no chance to get information of the real error
> location.
> Using other validators (JARV) will report the correct xml location (line,
> column) but I lose the connection to the corresponding JAXB object model.
> I discussed this with Kohsuke a few months ago:
> https://jaxb.dev.java.net/servlets/ReadMsg?list=users&msgNo=3303
>>Or maybe we can just give you both the parent and the child node. Does
> that help?
> Yes that whould be a solution for me.
> But do you want to implement this? Or can I attach this behaviour of JAXB
> validator for myself.
Doesn't ValidationEventLocatorEx help you? I think having a parent
object and a field name should be enough to localize the error.
I'm also interested in on-demand validation that would, for instance,
allow displaying detailed validation messages in a document editor.
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