Re: JaxB and DOM dictionary

From: Jerome Candat <jerome.candat_at_C-S.FR>
Date: Thu, 05 Jun 2003 09:21:59 -0600

On Wed, 4 Jun 2003 12:10:42 -0700, Ganga Sah <> wrote:

>Here is the futher deatils on my approach to this
>I am attaching PropertyUtil class which has methods to
>find property value(JAXB Java content object) inside
>any base object(also JAXB Java content object, which
>could be the root of Java content tree) with a given
>one propertyName or an array of propertyName(s).
>The methods returns the first object matching the
>propertyName, which can be enhanced to return a list
>of all matching objects.
>Hope this helps.
>(I have extraced these methods with some twicking out
>of my application, and have not tested it seperately).

Sorry but I do not understand how you "attach" your PropertyUtil class inside your base object. Could you give an example please?

Thanks in advance.