Re: enum problem in JAXB2 upgrade

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Mon, 3 May 2010 20:20:38 +0200

OK, but you realize that a string "other" if it appears in the XML is
*not *valid
because it contradicts the XML schema?!

There is a way to force JAXB to create java.lang.String types for *all*types
where <restriction><enumeration...>... is in the XML schema. Specify the
following bindings file (replace the XXXXXXXXXXXX with the path to your XML
schema) when you call xjc.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jxb:bindings version="1.0"
  <jxb:bindings schemaLocation="XXXXXXXXXXXXX.xsd" node="/xs:schema">
    <jaxb:globalBindings typesafeEnumMaxMembers="1"/>


On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 7:39 PM, Rochak Gupta <> wrote:
> it will be string value. we are not facing this in marshalling. it is
> that while populating the JAXB Generated pojo.
> .
> This is error i am getting when we have some value other than defined in
> enum like SA, SO. we are setting in the pojo "other" which is not defined
> in enum
> p2j1 - Exception while generating WFM information for order C10016B0
> java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum const class
> com.bellsouth.snt.broadbandos.idm.xml.wfm.schema.SubSystemEnumDef.Other
> at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(
> at
> at

> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 9:46 PM, Wolfgang Laun <>
> wrote:
>> As I wrote: It depends on how that enum type for ReturnCode is being used
>> in
>> other places.
>> Which values do you need to process in input XML?
>> I suppose you don't have problems while marshalling?
>> What kind of "strange error" are you getting?
>> I can't begin to think about a solution if all I know is "strange error".
>> -W
>> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 5:05 PM, Rochak Gupta <> wrote:
>> > problem is this is the way it was done in Jaxb1 and my application is
>> > running with that. Now i am migrating this to jaxb2.0 and i cannot
>> > change
>> > the XSD. What can i do now ?
>> >
>> > Is there any way to define external binding to add values for enum that
>> > are
>> > not in XSD? or any other work around to overcome this ?
>> > Thanks and regards,
>> > Rochak
>> > On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 5:35 PM, Wolfgang Laun <>
>> > wrote:
>> >>
>> >> How an absent element or attribute is handled is not a question of the
>> >> class of that element or attribute (and therefore the code of enum
>> >> ReturnCode does not matter).
>> >>
>> >> If ReturnType is used as an attribute, the attribute definition may
>> >> define use="optional" and default="whatever". Then, xjc will generate
>> >> code giving you the default in return for an absent attribute.
>> >>
>> >> If ReturnCode is used as the type of an XML element, then XML Schema
>> >> lets you specify minOccurs="0" with that element, indicating it may be
>> >> absent, but there is no way to define a default value in XML Schema
>> >> for that. (Any application that is not prepared to handle an absent
>> >> element that may be omitted has a serious bug.)
>> >>
>> >> If the XML does contain a value, but not matching one of the
>> >> <enumeration> values, then the XML is in error, and if this throws an
>> >> exception, it is not a "strange error".
>> >>
>> >> -W
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> On Mon, May 3, 2010 at 1:16 PM, Rochak Gupta <>
>> >> wrote:
>> >> > Hi ,
>> >> >
>> >> > We are getting strange error while upgrading our code from JAXB1.x
>> >> > to
>> >> > JAXB2.x .
>> >> >
>> >> > Here
>> >> >
>> >> > <simpleType name="ReturnCode">
>> >> >
>> >> > <restriction base="string">
>> >> >
>> >> > <enumeration value="Mal-formed Input"/>
>> >> >
>> >> > <enumeration value="TN/CLS and SO combination is not
>> >> > found"/>
>> >> >
>> >> > <enumeration value="SO failed provisioning"/>
>> >> >
>> >> > <enumeration value="SO not found"/>
>> >> >
>> >> > </restriction>
>> >> >
>> >> > </simpleType>
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > In JAXB2.X Returncode enum type is created. I have used the
>> >> > decompiler
>> >> > and
>> >> > pasted here
>> >> >
>> >> > // Decompiled by DJ v3.7.7.81 Copyright 2004 Atanas Neshkov Date:
>> >> > 5/1/2010
>> >> > 3:21:30 PM
>> >> >
>> >> > // Home Page : -
>> >> > Check
>> >> > often
>> >> > for new version!
>> >> >
>> >> > // Decompiler options: packimports(3)
>> >> >
>> >> > // Source File Name:
>> >> >
>> >> > package com.bellsouth.snt.broadbandos.idm.xml.techaccess.schema;
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > public final class ReturnCode extends Enum
>> >> >
>> >> > {
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > public static ReturnCode[] values()
>> >> >
>> >> > {
>> >> >
>> >> > return (ReturnCode[])$VALUES.clone();
>> >> >
>> >> > }
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > public static ReturnCode valueOf(String name)
>> >> >
>> >> > {
>> >> >
>> >> > return
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > name);
>> >> >
>> >> > }
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > private ReturnCode(String s, int i, String v)
>> >> >
>> >> > {
>> >> >
>> >> > super(s, i);
>> >> >
>> >> > value = v;
>> >> >
>> >> > }
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > public String value()
>> >> >
>> >> > {
>> >> >
>> >> > return value;
>> >> >
>> >> > }
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > public static ReturnCode fromValue(String v)
>> >> >
>> >> > {
>> >> >
>> >> > ReturnCode arr$[] = values();
>> >> >
>> >> > int len$ = arr$.length;
>> >> >
>> >> > for(int i$ = 0; i$ < len$; i$++)
>> >> >
>> >> > {
>> >> >
>> >> > ReturnCode c = arr$[i$];
>> >> >
>> >> > if(c.value.equals(v))
>> >> >
>> >> > return c;
>> >> >
>> >> > }
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > throw new IllegalArgumentException(v);
>> >> >
>> >> > }
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > public static final ReturnCode MAL_FORMED_INPUT;
>> >> >
>> >> > public static final ReturnCode
>> >> >
>> >> > public static final ReturnCode SO_FAILED_PROVISIONING;
>> >> >
>> >> > public static final ReturnCode SO_NOT_FOUND;
>> >> >
>> >> > private final String value;
>> >> >
>> >> > private static final ReturnCode $VALUES[];
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > static
>> >> >
>> >> > {
>> >> >
>> >> > MAL_FORMED_INPUT = new ReturnCode("MAL_FORMED_INPUT", 0,
>> >> > "Mal-formed
>> >> > Input");
>> >> >
>> >> > SO
>> >> > combination is not found");
>> >> >
>> >> > ReturnCode("SO_FAILED_PROVISIONING", 2,
>> >> > "SO failed provisioning");
>> >> >
>> >> > SO_NOT_FOUND = new ReturnCode("SO_NOT_FOUND", 3, "SO not
>> >> > found");
>> >> >
>> >> > $VALUES = (new ReturnCode[] {
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > });
>> >> >
>> >> > }
>> >> >
>> >> > }
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> >
>> >> > Now if there is any other value it throws exception . Our concern is
>> >> > can
>> >> > we
>> >> > some way or through some external binding some default value to the
>> >> > enum
>> >> > so
>> >> > that if its null it takes default value .
>> >> >
>> >> > Thanks and regards,
>> >> >
>> >> > Rochak
>> >>
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