Binding the schema to XML schema (part 2)

From: Christophe Bouhier <>
Date: Thu, 08 May 2003 03:24:42 -0600

Hi there,

I am a newbie on this list and very interrested in the following:

1) Availability of XJC as an API.
I see a need to compile XML schemas programmaticly and use the result classes and objects immidiatly. To do this now, a runtime.exec call to xjc is needed and the compile results are "learned" using a class loader. This is quiet cumbersome for what I am trying to achieve.(And not fully implemented yet).

2. Referring to a previous thread on "Binding the schema to XML schema":

Perhaps of topic but I want to post it here anyway.

I have been using XERCES, Grammar class to retrieve an XSObject, which contains valuable Schema information. Does anyone have sample code to
get the most out of the XSObject and PSVI ? (I guess I could dive in the Xerces source code myself ;-).

In general my interrest boils down to Schema Object Models and practical experience/samples to use them.

Thanx / Christophe