Problem with Integer binding (extends)

From: Hadjistratis, Manolis <>
Date: Wed, 13 Feb 2008 16:47:26 +0200

Hi, I'm a newbie with jaxb and I would like to create an object which is
extended by Integer, I'm using spring framework and I want use property
editor, like that:


binder.registerCustomEditor(IntegerWithFormat.class, new
CustomNumberEditor(java.lang.Integer.class, nf, true));


The problem is:

With simple type: I don't have a class

With complex type:

 <xs:complexType name="IntegerWithFormat">


<xs:extension base="xs:int"></xs:extension>



 And a class is created like that:

public class IntegerWithFormat

    implements Serializable



    protected int value;


     * Gets the value of the value property.



    public int getValue() {

        return value;



     * Sets the value of the value property.



    public void setValue(int value) {

        this.value = value;



How can I have a class with "extends Integer"......?


Thanks for any help
