Re: jaxb binding file for + <extension base="anyType"/>

From: indra_4011 <>
Date: Sun, 8 Nov 2009 08:45:21 -0800 (PST)


I am attaching both the xsd and the xjb file
is there any resolution for these coz if i don't customize the xsd then it
generates Class Primary key
with getters of or and setters of org.w3c.dom.Element .

Wolfgang Laun-2 wrote:
> On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 10:48 PM, Claus Nagel <>
> wrote:
>> Hi Wolfgang,
>> I am just trying to understand how to handle a variable of type
>> java.lang.Object in a JAXB class. Is it possib
>> bindings.xjb
>> OSSJ-Common-v1-5.xsd le to read any content into
>> such a generic variable even if the JAXBContext does not know about the
>> corresponding XML element?
> Sort of, yes. There are variations, depending on the information provided
> by
> the XML document. I'm assuming an element which would have the schema
> type xs:anyType.
> If there is no information, you'll get the document element (subtree) as a
> org.w3c.dom.Element.
> If the element provides information about its type, e.g.
> <elemAnyType xmlns:xsi=""
> xmlns:xs=""
> xsi:type="xs:int">10</elemAnyType>
> and JAXB knows how to handle this schema type, it will be unmarshalled
> into
> an
> object of the corresponding Java type.
>> For example, suppose a schema is associated with the namespace "foo". It
>> is
>> mapped to a set of JAXB classes. One of these classes contains an
>> attribute
>> of type java.lang.Object. An XML instance document contains an element
>> associated with the namespace "bar" as corresponding property element.
>> Would
>> this element be returned as java.lang.Object by the getter of that class
>> even if the JAXBContext does not know about the namespace "bar"? Or would
>> this require to explicitly bind the xsd:anyType property to DOM using a
>> binding declaration?
> A schema "wildcard" (e,g,, <xs:any/>) would result in a Java field Object
> any,
> annotated with @XmlanyElement, and the actual type would again be
> org.w3c.dom.Element. The namespace is arbitrary. This object can be
> analyzed using the DOM API, but it might also be passed to some (other)
> unmarshaller, to be created from a suitable context.
> -W
>> Cheers,
>> Claus
>> Von: Wolfgang Laun []
>> Gesendet: Freitag, 6. November 2009 15:32
>> An:
>> Betreff: Re: jaxb binding file for + <extension base="anyType"/>
>> This customization isn't possible. If properly constrained, xs:anyType
>> might
>> be mapped to java.lang.Object anyway, but as it is now, you are getting
>> org.w3c.dom.Element, which means that you'll get the XML document tree
>> without any unmarshalling.
>> -W
>> On Fri, Nov 6, 2009 at 3:14 PM, indra_4011 <> wrote:
>> Hi i have xsd defination
>> <element name="primaryKey" nillable="false">
>> <complexType mixed="false">
>> <complexContent mixed="false">
>> <extension base="anyType"/>
>> </complexContent>
>> </complexType>
>> </element>
>> and i using binding file to
>> <jxb:bindings node="//xs:extension[@base='anyType']">
>> <jxb:property>
>> <jxb:baseType name="java.lang.Object"/>
>> </jxb:property>
>> </jxb:bindings> to generate the jaxb classes but i am unable to
>> do
>> so its giving error
>> [xjc] [ERROR] Specified property customization is not used.
>> Please help
>> --
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