RE: Customizing with binding.xjc

From: Lulseged Zerfu <>
Date: Mon, 19 Nov 2012 07:01:15 +0000


 Thanks. Only adding namespace prefix solved my problem.

 Are there any differences between double // or a single / when constructing XPAth?


-----Original Message-----
From: Wolfgang Laun []
Sent: den 18 november 2012 21:35
Subject: Re: Customizing with binding.xjc

As a fail-safe way to specify the target of a binding location, use the absolute XPath expression from the root node down to the node you need to address.

    <jxb:property name="PublicIdentityAttribute" />

When you want to nest several bindings subordinate to some node, continue with a relative path:

<jxb:bindings xmlns:jxb=""
               jxb:version="2.0" schemaLocation="pp.xsd"
    <jxb:bindings node="xs:attribute[@name='publicId']">
      <jxb:property name="PublicIdentityAttribute" />

Make sure to use namespace prefixes throughout.


On 17/11/2012, Lulseged Zerfu <> wrote:
> Hi
> I am trying to create binding.xjb to go arround schema problem but
> was not successful.
> Can any one help?
> There are two publicId defined and one of the publicId need to be
> customized with binding.xjc which I tried but my XPATH looks not working.
> ....<xs:element name="createMMTelSchedConf"
> substitutionGroup="cai3g:CreateMODefinition"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation
> xml:lang="en">Used to create an MMTel scheduled conference
> sevice.</xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> <xs:complexType> <xs:complexContent> <xs:extension
> base="cai3g:AbstractCreateAttributeType"> <xs:sequence> <xs:element
> name="publicId"
> type="publicIdentityType"> <xs:annotation> <xs:documentation
> xml:lang="en"> The identity of the user. This identity must already
> be configured on the
> HSS. </xs:documentation> </xs:annotation> </xs:element> <!--
> the relative order of the existing services must be maintained --> <!--
> all new services shall be optional and inserted in alphabetical order within
> the existing list where possible --> <xs:element
> ref="scheduled-conference" /> </xs:sequence> <xs:attribute
> name="publicId" type="publicIdentityType" use="required"
> /> </xs:extension> </xs:complexContent> </xs:complexType>....
> My binding file looks like:
> ....<jxb:bindings schemaLocation="mmtel-aggregated-schedconf.xsd"
> node="/xs:schema"> <jxb:schemaBindings> <jxb:package
> name=""
> /> </jxb:schemaBindings>
> <bindings
> node="/xs:schema/xs:element[@name='createMMTelSchedConf']/xs:complexType/xs:complexContent"> <bindings
> node="/xs:extension[@name='AbstractCreateAttributeType']"> <bindings
> node="/xs:attribute[@name='publicId']"> <jxb:property
> name="PublicIdentityAttribute" /> </bindings> </bindings> </bindings>
> </jxb:bindings>....
> Thanks in advance.
> BRLulseged