Re: ObjectFactory registers Inner Classes incorrectly (BUG ?)

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Tue, 06 Sep 2005 17:05:42 -0700

Thanks for the fix. I always get confused with all those different ways
to represent a name.

I think it's fixed in the repository now.

StopSpam wrote:
> Dear JAXB developers,
> When generating classes from a schema having a <xs:choice> as element
> content and when using the global options:
> bindingStyle="modelGroupBinding"
> choiceContentProperty="false"
> then ObjectFactories are generated that incorrectly register (nested)
> Inner Classes
> ( i.e. public class OuterClass { ... public static InnerClass {} ... } ).
> as follows
> defaultImplementations.put((OuterClass.InnerClass.class),
> "OuterClass.InnerClass");
> instead of
> defaultImplementations.put((OuterClass.InnerClass.class),"OuterClass$InnerClass");
> please note the $ sign.
> Hence "GrammarInfo.getDefaultImplementation( Class javaContentInterface
> );" does not work properly as it cannot find OuterClass.InnerClass using
> the ClassLoader. If the InnerClass is registered properly using
> OuterClass$InnerClass this works perfectly.
> best regards
> Konrad Lanz
> Konrad(dot)Lanz[AT]iaik{dot}tugraz<dot>at
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems