Re: Different versions of QName class - follow up

From: Dmitri Colebatch <>
Date: Wed, 22 Mar 2006 09:26:19 +1100

Hi Krill,

On 3/22/06, Kirill Grouchnikov <> wrote:
> If i remove jsr173_1.0_api.jar, than XJC fails with
> java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError:
> javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamException

Yeah that doesn't surprise me. I just think that if QName is now in
the jre, then it shouldn't be included in other bundled jars that
require 1.5. For distributions that also need to work on 1.4 or
earlier, I can understand it, but in this case I would have thought
that the class shouldn't be there (this goes for any other classes
that are part of the jre).

> If i remove both xml_apis.jar from IDEA directory, i still get the
> LinkageError exception (with rt.jar and jsr173_1.0_api.jar in classpath). I
> tried to compare the rt.jar from IDEA installation (with 1.5.0_06 in
> manifest) with standalone JDK installation and they're different. Maybe IDEA
> has changed the JRE (they at least put tools.jar from JDK in there)? This is
> a wild shot, but i'll try to overwrite IDEA's JRE with regular Sun JRE.

I assume this works ok if you run the same functionality outside idea?
 What happens if you add the jars with the 4 qnames to the classpath
and run it outside idea?
