Re: JWSDP on windows installation problem?

From: Jochen Wiedmann <>
Date: Tue, 20 Apr 2004 12:05:15 +0200

Subodh Damle wrote:

> For getting JAXB jars , I downloaded the web service dev pack file -
> jwsdp-1_3-windows-i586.exe
> But , the EXE does nothing ! I just see a dialog just opening &
> immediately closing (can't even make out is contained on dialog )

This sounds familiar to me. Is it possible that you obtained the
archive via FTP using CygWin? If so, try a

     chmod 755 jwsdp-1_3-windows-i586.exe

If not, the archive is most possibly corrupt and you should try
to reload it. Finally, you may try the Unix version.


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