RE: JAXB compilation plugin

From: Jonathan Johnson <>
Date: Tue, 7 Feb 2006 00:12:29 -0500


Found the problem. I mistakenly checked out jaxb-source instead of
jaxb2-source. Looking at the source for XJC2Task I see its failing because
the String schema parameter must be a URL string. The string passed in is
causing a MalformedURLException but the catch code calls getProject().
getProject attempts to get the ant project, but since we are in Maven, it
returns null and all hell breaks loose.

So... I will use XJC2Task as a framework for the M2 plugin and I will not
call it directly. Besides it would be nice to avoid making an Ant
dependency (or any bug for that matter) in a M2 plugin. If we are concerned
about duplicate and non-ant dependent code it could be factored out of the
XJC2Task, but that may be overkill.


-----Original Message-----
From: Jonathan Johnson []
Sent: Saturday, February 04, 2006 11:58 PM
Subject: RE: JAXB compilation plugin


In my progress for creating a JAXB compilation plugin for Maven 2 (should be
available in a few more evenings) I started to use the class

When calling:

        XJC2Task xjc = new XJC2Task();

it produces this NPE inside XJC2Task.setSchema


When I got the cvs source for JAXB-SOURCES the class XJC2Task was not in
there only XJCTask.

The javadoc for XJC2Task.setSchema is a ambiguous because its not clear if
the String parameter should be a file path name for the schema for, a URL or
the actual schema xsd text. The javadoc for setSchema(String schema) reads
"Parses the schema attribute."

Should I be using using XJCTask instead? Perhaps I use to eliminate the ant dependency (no pun

-----Original Message-----
From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi []
Sent: Saturday, January 28, 2006 10:31 AM
Subject: Re: JAXB compilation plugin

Jonathan Johnson wrote:
> Kohsuke,
> Yes, start simple and grow the features as needed. The Ant JAXB features
> are a good guideline
> ( for Mavenizing.
> you suggested using would be best since it
> on the ant experience, eases the transition from ant and adapts to future
> needs.

I then realized that you'd probably want to take some of the values from
Maven project setting --- such as where to place generated source files.

So perhaps instead of just copying XML, your plugin would probably want
to do additional configuration.

> Thanks for the CVS access. I'm new to contributing to open source. Can
> point me to the guidelines and standards for create and submitting code.

There's not so much of "guideline and standards". You can just take it
easy and start writing code, and we can adjust as we go along :-)

If you are going to help an existing code, that usually calls for more
"guidelines and standards", but since this plugin is from scratch, it's
more like what you do will decide guidelines.

> What java version is the target?

Since JAXB2 itself requires Tiger, there's no point in not using Tiger
features, I think.

> Do I create a build.xml as well (no pom.xml) ;-(? Etc..

Since you are writing a plugin for Maven2, there's no reason not to use
Maven2 as the build system. That would probably be the easiest, as Maven
defines all sorts of goals for developing plugins.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems