Re: missing setWhatever()

From: Robert Lowe <>
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 02:10:43 +0800

JAXB will never generate setters for Lists. You don't need them because the
List returned by the getter is mutable--just call the getter and modify the
List it returns.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Malachi de AElfweald" <malachi_at_EOTI.ORG>
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 1:46 AM
Subject: missing setWhatever()

> Ok, it is getting further....
> For some reason now, it is generating the "List getContent()", but not the
"setContent(List)"... It is generating set methods for the attributes, but
not for the child elements.
> Also, I have the following:
> <xsd:element name="dynArray" type="dynArrayIntf" />
> <xsd:complexType name="dynArrayIntf" mixed="true">
> <xsd:choice>
> <xsd:element name="attribute" type="attributeIntf" minOccurs="0"
> </xsd:choice>
> </xsd:complexType>
> it is generating the AttributeIntf correctly, but it is also generating a
DynArray.Attribute.... what is that for?
> Malachi