Re: flexible unmarshalling mode

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <>
Date: Tue, 01 Nov 2005 13:47:36 -0800

Mark Hansen wrote:
> (1) Is "flexible unmarshalling" the default - even when a JAXP 1.3
> Validator has been set? I.e., if the Validator flags "out of order"
> elements - are these errors surpressed?

It's up to the ErrorHandler. Errors are always reported, regardless of
whether it's from JAXB or JAXP Validator. It's up to the ErrorHandler to
act on it, and I believe the default one aborts if a validator flags an

> (2) How do you turn on/off "flexible unmarshalling"?

You can turn that off by registering Schema object.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems