You could use the RI extension to generate Serializable classes, as
described here:
You could then serialize your content objects to a memory buffer, and then
deserialize from the same buffer. This effectively creates a deep copy.
- Rob
----- Original Message -----
From: "Ganga Sah" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 15, 2003 11:50 PM
Subject: Creating copy of JAXB Java object content tree?
> I have a XML instance de-serialized as Java
> Object(content tree) and I want to create another
> copy(clone) of this object. I am finding it hard to do
> so in a generic way "without" traversing the content
> tree and copying each object in turn into a empty
> instance of the object type using create<ObjectType>
> method of JAXB generated ObjectFactory?
> Can any one suggest an easy way to create duplicate
> copy of content tree object?
> thanks,
> ganga
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