Re: maven-jaxb2-plugin configuration issue

From: Michal Moravcik <>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 10:33:53 +0200


thank you for your reply.
With pointing <schemaInclude> to virtual schema (mapped to classpath in
catalog file) it doesnt work.
I just get the message: Skipped XJC execution. Nothing to compile.

For now I solved it by creating a wrapper schema which has only import of
desired schema (virtual name, mapped in catalog), in such case it works.

Thank you for bringing more light into this problem. Anyway, it will be
great when the plugin directly supports this.

Michal Moravcik

2011/5/25 Aleksei Valikov <>

> Hi,
> On Tue, May 24, 2011 at 3:23 PM, Michal Moravcik
> <> wrote:
> > Hi Aleksei
> > I'm currently configuring your maven-jaxb2-plugin and I have following
> > scenario:
> > A/src/main/resources/a.xsd
> > A/src/main/resources/b.xsd (includes a internally)
> > A/src/main/resources/c.xsd (includes a internally)
> > A/pom.xml - nothing, just build .jar with xsd files
> > B/pom.xml - depends on A and I want to instruct maven-jaxb2-plugin here
> to
> > generate classes from b.xsd
> > The reason for this approach is because I have separated module for xsd
> > schemas and the code will be generated in other modules as needed with
> > specific bindings, which can vary from module to module (e.g. adding GWT
> > interface IsSerializable to generated code)
> > I have studied your episode and catalog examples, but I still don't know
> if
> > it is possible to instruct maven-jaxb2-plugin to generate classes for a
> xsd
> > file located in dependent maven module (A). Technically, in this case the
> > <schemaDirectory> should be pointing to classpath: or
> > <schemaIncludes><include> should point to xsd from A module, something
> like
> > classpath:b.xsd
> This might be possible with catalog files, but I don't have an example
> at the moment. Point schemaInclude to a virtual schema and use catalog
> to map this virtual schema to a classpath location. A.jar must be in
> classpath (Maven dependency).
> > After my tryouts I got an error message like B/classpath: directory
> doesnt
> > exist, or just warning: Skipped XJC execution. Nothing to compile.
> > Could you please give me a hint if the mentioned approach is possible to
> > configure and possibly how.
> > Thank you in advance and looking forward for hearing from you.
> BTW here's an issue to allow resolving schemas inside Maven artifacts.
> Alternative would be to use Maven dependency plugin to extract schema
> from A into B during build.
> Please consider using the public ML so that
> everyone could profit from answers.
> Bye.
> /lexi