Re: Separate Code Generation

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2006 06:45:56 -0700

Hilco Wijbenga wrote:
> This leads me to a number of questions:
> 1. Google tells me that the [WARNING] is harmless. Does that include
> ""unknown location"? Or should I do something about that?

The warning is just telling you that maybe you are forgetting to compile
some of the files that you think you are compiling. In this case you
know you are not compiling any global element decls, there, so it's OK.

The location is unknown because there's really no line number to
associate the information with. Maybe I should distinguish "no location"
with "unknown location".

> 2. Why do some of the "types" files end up in
> com/example/schemas/types in scenario B?
> 3. Why do I get way more files in scenario B? E.g., in scenario A
> "types" doesn't have a "runtime" package.

Because types.xsd is referenced from rates.xsd and hence ends up being
compiled anyway.

> 4. What do I need to do for the two scenarios to generate the same code?

The separate compilation feature is really only recently supported in
JAXB 2.1 EA. See

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems