Re: Child->Parent Element Navigability - JAXB

From: Ryan Shoemaker - JavaSoft East <Ryan.Shoemaker_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 10:53:03 -0500

Brett Randall wrote:

> My question: is there currently any way to produce generated classes
> that make Child->Parent element navigation possible under JAXB? If not,
> could this be considered for future releases of the JAXB specification?
> It seems natural to me to have an option for generating getParent()
> (preferably type-specific) methods (and thereby requiring the generated
> Child classes to store a reference to their Parent object). I have seen
> example code that recursively (from the root node) builds a Map of
> Child->Parent to get around this.

We're aware of this limitation and will address it in JAXB 2.0
which is currently under development by the JSR-222 Expert Group.



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