Jonathan Johnson wrote:
> javax/xml/stream/XMLStreamException
> is part of JSR-173 StAX API and only the pom is in the Maven 2 ibiblio
> repository. Both activation.jar and jsr173_api.jar are not in the
> repository, only their poms.
> It appears the only way to get jsr173_api.jar is to performs a relatively
> long, complex installation the Web Services pack, (yuck). Once I point to
> C:\Sun\jwsdp-2.0\sjsxp\lib\jsr173_api.jar the jaxb generator worked.
> Without resolving these technical barriers people will avoid using this
> plugin.
I'm pretty sure both jars allow redistribution as long as it's a part of
a larger work (namely JAXB plugin.) So I can put it on the maven
repository under the JAXB project.
Meanwhile, you can grab jsr173_api.jar from
> Is it true JAXB requires J2EE or the Web Services pack?
No. You do need activation.jar and StAX API, but not J2EE nor JWSDP. I'm
sorry for not having those jars upfront in our maven repository, but
please bare with us for little more...
I'll let you know once I post activation.jar.
Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems