question about modularization

From: Felipe Gaścho <>
Date: Mon, 23 Nov 2009 19:19:32 +0100

Now, I have some questions, mainly regarding modularization issues.
Maybe you could help me on this:

- Let's assume we have module A with a.xsd inside and module B with
b.xsd. a.xsd defines type t, type u and type v; type u is abstract.
a.xsd uses the types t and v and extends type u.

The question is now if it's possible to generate the according
JAXB-Java-classes at build time for every module separately. This would
mean that we have calsses for the types t, u and v in module A. And
class that extends type u in module B. This would mean that during build
time of module B, JAXB has to know that the classes of a.xsd have been
generated already and as well their names and packages.
- Is this possible?
- Does this make sense?

Another question is about file resolving.
- Is there a possibility to provide an alternative file resolver (e.g.
that looks referenced schema files up in the classpath)?