Re: generating Annotated classes with JAXB ?

From: Pierre Buyle <>
Date: Wed, 28 Nov 2007 02:35:46 -0800 (PST)

You can use the <javacdoc> customization tag on your XSD type. Either
directly in your .xsd or in a separate binding file.

<xsd:schema jxb:version="2.0" xmlns:xsd=""
  <xsd:complexType name="DeprecatedType">
    <!-- Your type definition -->

Felipe Gaucho wrote:
> How can I generate annotated classes with JAXB ?
> I want to generate a class like that:
> @Deprecated
> public void MyClass {}
> @Deprecated is my primary goal, but I am also interested in figure out
> how to add any annotation to classes ? How to define it in the Schem
> or using customization...
> The reason I am looking for that: I am using JAXB as configuration
> framework of my application, and some of the configuration values
> should not be used anymore. In order to keep the compatibility with
> old configuration files, I don't want to rid off the declaration of
> the obsolete fields, but rather annotate it as deprecated.
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