Re: XSComplexType

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Wed, 15 Nov 2006 18:13:48 -0800 wrote:
> Hello,
> Any idea how to get the defined attribute (sequence/option) inside the complexType using class XSComplexType?

Javadoc is at

Also look at for
the object model.

> <xsd:complexType name="Block">
> <xsd:complexContent>
> <xsd:extension base="essence:SingleSourceNode">
> <xsd:sequence>
> <xsd:element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" name="varDef" type="essence:VarDef"/>
> </xsd:sequence>
> </xsd:extension>
> </xsd:complexContent>
> </xsd:complexType>
> My "Guess" is to use the method getExplicitContent() which return an object of interface XSContentType. (At least that's what I get from the explanation of this method).

Yep. XSContentType is a super interface. You'd downcast that to one of
the three. In your case you should see a XSParticle, and then XSParticle
should contain an XSTerm which is actually XSModelGroup, and that's the

> But when I go inside Javadoc of XSContentType there are only these methods exist, inbetween none represent what I'm looking for. (I'm going to get the types of those sequence/option):
> apply <> (XSContentTypeFunction <> <T> function)
> XSContentType <> asEmpty <> ()
> If this content type represents the empty content, return this, otherwise null.
> XSParticle <> asParticle <> ()
> Equivalent of (this instanceof XSParticle)?this:null
> XSSimpleType <> asSimpleType <> ()
> Equivalent of (this instanceof XSSimpleType)?this:null
> void visit <> (XSContentTypeVisitor <> visitor)
> Any guidance?
> Thanks
> Best regards,
> Heru
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Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems