Returning back to the SOA/serialization issue.
Maybe I miss something, but even having <xjc:noValidatingUnmarshaller/>
and <xjc:noValidator/>, XJC still generates bgm.ser files. This seems
like a bug, but I'm not 100% sure.
Take a look at the com.sun.tools.xjc.generator.ObjectFactoryGenerator.
Here's the code that produces bgm.ser:
Grammar purifiedGrammar = AGMBuilder.remove( grammar );
try {
targetPackage.addResourceFile( new JSerializedObject(
"bgm.ser",purifiedGrammar) );
} catch( IOException e ) {
// we know that BGM can be always serialized. So this
shouldn't be possible
throw new JAXBAssertionError(e);
I could not find where noValidation or noValidatingUnmarshaller turn
this generation off.
I've added one line to make bgm.ser conditional:
Grammar purifiedGrammar = AGMBuilder.remove( grammar );
if (_opt.generateValidatingUnmarshallingCode ||
_opt.generateValidationCode )
try {
targetPackage.addResourceFile( new JSerializedObject(
"bgm.ser",purifiedGrammar) );
} catch( IOException e ) {
// we know that BGM can be always serialized. So this
shouldn't be possible
throw new JAXBAssertionError(e);
If I'm not mistaken and this fix is appropriate, could you apply it?
It goes about JAXB 1.0, I've got latest checkout from CVS.