Re: jaxb1.0 -> 1.0.1 Cannot compile several schemas with same simpleType

From: Yakov Polonsky <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 15:51:01 -0400

Thank for the response.

At 10:47 AM 6/20/2003, Kohsuke Kawaguchi wrote:
> > xjc 1.0 compiles everything successfully, creating a single copy of the
> > generated class
>I'm having hard time understanding why it generated the RthXmlVDouble
>class. It shouldn't have.

You are absolutely right. The rth_xml_vDouble is a complexType and has a
little different representation in my schemas.

> > I cannot change schema files (like to take out the same type into the
> > separate schema) because other product generates them.
>Just in case you are a schema guru, technically, the schema spec seems
>to allow multiple definitions to be given so long as they are "identical"
>(but without defining what it means to be "identical".)
>So we might attempt to do something about it, but I seriously recommend
>you to remove duplicate definitions. In almost all computer languages,
>such thing is not allowed.

Well, this is what I will do.
The schemas are generated by the server which is written on C++. Schemas
are derived from the C++ structures. Since structures include some elements
of the same type, the generator just repeats the complexType(s) in schemas
for appropriate structures elements.
So I need to put the common type definitions into the separate schema like
"common.xsd" and use it within <import ...> in all other schemas. I think
that the check for schema elements "identity" is not worth it.

Thanks again.