Re: Complex references

From: Dmitri Colebatch <>
Date: Wed, 13 Jul 2005 10:00:08 +1000

Where's ObjectLifeCycle - I cant see it in the docs (looking at
jaxb-ri-20050407). Has this been added recently?


On 7/13/05, Kohsuke Kawaguchi <> wrote:
> Jeremy Haile wrote:
> > Could I possibly make use of the XmlAdapter and @XmlJavaTypeAdapter
> > mechanism to work around this problem? (solution #1) For example, the
> > XmlAdapter could hand my AppleAdapter the string "myFruit". The
> > AppleAdapter would know to retrieve the appropriate Apple object and
> > return it.
> Yes, that's the natural direction to go.
> You first need to list up Apple objects that are unmarshalled. Today I
> guess you do that by implementing ObjectLifeCycle interface by Apple
> objects and use afterUnmarshalling hook to register itself to a Map.
> class Apple implements ObjectLifeCycle {
> void afterUnmarshalling(Unmarshaller u,Object parent) {
> // register
> AppleAdapter.tls.get().put(,this);
> }
> }
> class AppleAdapter extends XmlAdapter {
> // this map needs to be set to a new one every time you unmarshal.
> static ThreadLocal<Map<String,Apple>> tls = new ...;
> ...
> }
> > This isn't exactly ideal - in the example I gave previously the Apple
> > object may not have been constructed by the time the XmlAdapter is
> > invoked - therefore I would have to carefully load my objects in the
> > appropriate order and there would still be limitations.
> Right, there's a forward-reference problem. One way to work around this
> is to resolve tokens to object lazily, perhaps like this:
> interface Ref<T> {
> T resolve();
> }
> class AppleAdapter extends XmlAdapter {
> ...
> public Ref<Apple> unmarshal(final String s) {
> return new Ref<Apple>() {
> Map<String,Apple> map = tls.get();
> Apple resolve() {
> return map.get(s);
> }
> }
> }
> }
> So I guess it's possible today (except that it requires a lot of code.)
> I think making this easier/shorter is the right direction to go.
> > What would be ideal (solution #2) for my situation would be if JAXB
> > basically kept a mapping from <class type, ID> to the object being
> > constructed. Then if it was setting a property like setApple( Apple
> > myApple ), it would know to only look in IDREF list under <Apple.class,
> > "myFruit"> Of course, this doesn't exactly follow the ID/IDREF
> > semantics, but other than the idea mentioned above I don't have many
> > good ideas.
> The problem with this is that it's too specific to your needs. It's not
> general purpose enough.
> > I guess another solution (solution #3) would be to build up an
> > XML-specific tree and then convert that into a domain-specific tree.
> > (as you mentioned) But this requires a separate processing layer in
> > between the XML binding and application layer - a post-XML binding
> > layer.
> Right. You'd except a data-binding tool to do this.
> --
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
> Sun Microsystems