Re: Maven-jaxb2-plugin issue

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Fri, 8 May 2009 16:47:19 +0200


> I think i find one issue in your maven2 plugin. If in schema you've got
> enumeration with more that 256 elements, it wouldn't create java class.
> Please look to this issue. Actually i could help you with this issue but for
> a some reasons i can't download sources from svn repo.

This has nothing to do with maven-jaxb2-plugin, since the plugin only
calls XJC and does not do any schema processing on its own.

Next, it is an expected behaviour for JAXB/XJC, see section 7.5.1 of the spec.
You can customize it by setting typesafeEnumMaxMembers attribute in
global bindings for you schema:

<jaxb:globalBindings typesafeEnumMaxMembers="1024" />

Hope this helps.


ps. If you're registered on, you should be able to access
source code from:

pps. I've forwarded the answer to mailing list
so that other developers can see it as well. Generally it's better to
ask such things there. You have more people seeing your question and a
better chance of getting the help. I'm also monitoring the list