So, make your base class serializable and don't use <xjc:serializable />. It
should work as intended.
Michael Nascimento Santos
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform
Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform 1.4
Sun Certified Web Component Developer for J2EE
Moderador SouJava -
----- Original Message -----
From: "Douglas Jackson" <>
Sent: Thursday, April 03, 2003 3:03 PM
Subject: Re: Serial UIDs
> When generating the serializable classes from
> JAXB, the Reference Implementation generates a
> Serial UID that is private. We are extending
> the JAXB classes and would like to serialize
> our classes. Rather than having to add serial
> UIDs to all our classes it would be nice to
> inherit them from the JAXB generated classes.
> Or, to define the serial uid in our base
> class (JAXB super class).
> However, if we add a protected or public static
> serial uid to our base class I believe we will
> get compile errors. The JAXB implementations which
> extend our base class will redefine a public member
> as private.
> Also if you dont specify the serial uid in the
> bindings, it creates one for you with a value of 1
> (according to my colleague). If we could shut off
> the generation of the serial UID we could define
> a public one in our base class and all jaxb generated
> classes and our extending classes would inherit it.
> Thanks!
> -Doug.
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