Re: Serial UIDs

From: Douglas Jackson <>
Date: Thu, 03 Apr 2003 10:03:21 -0800

When generating the serializable classes from
JAXB, the Reference Implementation generates a
Serial UID that is private. We are extending
the JAXB classes and would like to serialize
our classes. Rather than having to add serial
UIDs to all our classes it would be nice to
inherit them from the JAXB generated classes.
Or, to define the serial uid in our base
class (JAXB super class).
However, if we add a protected or public static
serial uid to our base class I believe we will
get compile errors. The JAXB implementations which
extend our base class will redefine a public member
as private.
Also if you dont specify the serial uid in the
bindings, it creates one for you with a value of 1
(according to my colleague). If we could shut off
the generation of the serial UID we could define
a public one in our base class and all jaxb generated
classes and our extending classes would inherit it.

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