Re: dateTime format

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2003 08:55:13 -0800

> However, I'm curious to know whether or not there was a specific reason for
> adding the "drop zero milliseconds" functionality, or whether it was just
> tidying up? I'm not asking for it to be changed - it seems perfectly
> reasonable to drop the trailing zeroes - I would just like to understand the
> rationale behind it.

The main reason was to improve the roundtrip equivalence. There was an
article out there comparing various data-binding tools regarding how
much roundtrip equivalence they preserve, and the authors of the article
selected the test data such that fixing this trailing 0 issue improves
the figure for us quite a lot. So that's why we did it.

> Is there a better way to fix the problem other than modifying the JAR? I'm
> assuming that since xsdlib.jar is open-source I'm legally permitted to
> change it


> but as this was an emergency I've not had chance to check that
> out yet. So if anybody's got an opinion on that, I'd be interested to hear
> it.

I think the code in question is actually checking if the milliseconds
field is set. So if you unmarshal a Calendar object and then marshal it
back, you'll see ".000". when you create your Calendar object by "new
GregorianCalendar()", you can manually set the milliseconds field to 0
to make the marshaller produce ".000".

Hope that helps.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems         
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