Re: JAXB-like API for JavaScript?

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Thu, 30 Sep 2010 10:50:02 +0200

Hi Steve,

> Have a look at Jackson
> I've been thinking the same thing, though. I need/want to have some better
> way to annotate various serialization without getting into annotation hell.

Apropos "annotation hell", have you seen Annox?

> I need/want to be able to annotate a class for jpa, XML(jaxb), and json
> formatting, and it's just ugly right now.
> There are some addl features that I also find lacking, like role-based
> serialization (some roles shouldn't see certian data on a class) to allow me
> to better seperate the security concern.
> Let me know what you think about Jackson, and if your still thinking of
> going it from scratch...perhaps we can work on something together..

As far as I understand Jackson, it is a Java library. What I'm looking
for is a client-side JavaScript library, so-to-speack JAXB
implementation in JavaScript. Or am I missing something in Jackson?

I'd be glad not to implement it from scratch, but I failed to find a
suitable tool till now.

I've already started some preliminary experimenting:
