Re: Help about "[ERROR] XPath error: null"

From: Nicolas VINOT <>
Date: Tue, 31 May 2011 20:09:47 +0200

Le mardi 31 mai 2011 09:30:48, vous avez écrit :
> it was a problem with namespaces in the xml declaration.. try this..

Thanks a lot, it's working =)

I have an other question about customization.

I have to insert some custom methods into generated binding classes.

To achieve this without loosing modifications after regeneration, I hoped I
can declare superclass for those generated classes, but it seems
<xjc:superClass> can only be on <globalBindings> and not on other scopes.

What is the best way for inserting custom methods into JAXB generated
classes ?

Thanks in advance for your responses
Nicolas VINOT