Re: Changing case of top level in xml

From: Wolfgang Laun <>
Date: Wed, 29 Jun 2011 09:25:59 +0200

Please be more specific. Do you start with an XML schema? Or do you annotate
hand-coded Java classes? Can you provide a minimum working example? What
does "previously" compared to "now" mean in terms of JAXB/... versions used?
Do you use the same set of Java classes for marshalling and unmarshalling
(if the latter is what you mean by "load into my application")?


On 29 June 2011 00:37, <> wrote:

> Previously I had the top level of my XML's that were created by jaxb
> capitalised first letter now they are being saved lowe case.
> i.e. I had InvoiceList and now when I marshal the XML it is printed as
> invoiceList (notice capitalised first letter)
> How can I get it to capitalise the firs letter again as this now fails
> to load into my application?
> Cheers
> Stephen