Re: custom AnnotationReader

From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <Kohsuke.Kawaguchi_at_Sun.COM>
Date: Fri, 17 Nov 2006 08:45:17 -0800

Aleksei Valikov wrote:
> Yes, this does not seem like what I'm trying to do.
> I've started the new "annox" project few days ago:
> This will be the middle layer for annotation readers, independent of JAXB or
> anything else. I think this is a nice idea which is good for Java in general.
> XAnnotationReader for JAXB will be based on annox then. I'll also use annox in
> my "annotate" plugin.

Cool. I'm looking forward to see more descriptions on the annox website.

Bit off topic, but I was wondering if we can create a maven2 site skin
for Something that blends nicely in theme, instead of
the stock maven site (so that we won't have to use nonav.) I'd also like
the navigation bar to be placed in project_tools.html so that it gets
picked up by system.

Have you considered something like that? Would you be interested in
working on it with me?

>>> BTW, I'm working on the "annotate" plugin which converts XML Schema
>>> annotations into class/field annotations. For instance the XML:
>> <snip />
>>> This works already, so I think I'll try implementing this idea with
>>> ann.xml as well.
>> Cool. Where is this annotate plugin available?
> This is the part of hyperjaxb3-tools. It's not released yet and I think I'll
> first implement annox and base the annotate plugin on annox.
> I've also reworked the "toString" plugin and implemented the "cloneable" plugin.
> All these "general-purpose" plugins (hashCode, equals, toString, cloneable,
> annotate, jaxbindex) are part of the hyperjaxb3-tools module. They will be
> release in 1-2 weeks independently of Hyperjaxb3 (which is also being actively
> developed), when I finish documentation and add sample projects/build scripts
> for developers.

The pace in which you develop things are just amazing.

Looking forward to see them released.

Kohsuke Kawaguchi
Sun Microsystems