Re: JAXB Philosophy

From: Joan Antoni Farre <>
Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2003 13:33:11 +0200

For me HTML fulfils some needs. For on-line service access it's quite
perfect (though it doesn't provide as much flexibility as a thick client
application). But if, for example, you need to be able to store data
locally untill you have an active connection with the server, a web browser
isn't the solution. You need to develop a client application which could be
J2SE. Having web services integrated in a pure J2SE environment, and not
J2EE, would ease the development of such an application.
I think that standarizing allows companies to save money in developing
things that are already deeply studied, and be able to use that money for
higher level needs. Anyway, there still will always be someone creating new
needs which demand adaptation to new standards and, so, spend more money.
That's capitalism at last. No much different from creating new dressing
fashion ;)


Tim Davidson <>@JAVA.SUN.COM> con fecha
20/06/2003 11:57:22

Por favor, responda a Discussion list for the Java Architecture for XML
       Binding <JAXB-INTEREST_at_JAVA.SUN.COM>

(Enviado por: Discussion list for the Java Architecture for XML Binding


Copia a (cc):

Referencia: Re: JAXB Philosophy

I think the reason things are more complicated is because we
have to exchange data between existing working platforms, in this case HTML
and Java.
Why do you have to use XML? I think you just have to do it to
integrate data with another platforms. C++...

Why is not everything Java? In this case we would not need to use XML.
If Sun was the only leading company everything would be easier ( with no
competitors ).

Technology improves, but slowly. And the partition between platforms is
unavoidable because
what you really want to have is a team working on one thing perfecting it.
HTML is working!!
Do you want to use it? then use tools to attack it, but at the end of the
day you can only use HTML
on the client, because it is what is working so far.
Yes, you are right, These technologies on the client could be cool, but...

Are you trying to say that we should get rid of HTML? I am sure in the
future a better standard will be created. Let us be honest, HTML is not

More things, I am sure making thing more difficult make the companies pay
more money. :)
