JAXB Compiler

From: bmadhuri <>
Date: Tue, 06 May 2003 13:20:14 -0400

 Hi! I bound my xsd document using compiler. It created two directories. one is testapp( name of my package) and org-&gt;w3-&gt;_2001-&gt;xmlschema. Both the directories have ObjectFactory class. testapp's ObjectFactory is the one I am using rightnow. For one complex type, compiler has created AnyType interface for which there is no create method in testapp's ObjectFactory but the create method is in org's ObjectFactory. I tried to use this method but could not change the type of object to testapp.AnyType. Java is throwing typecast exception at run time. Please help me. Thanks,--- On Mon 05/05, Fernando Martins &lt; fr_martins_at_IOL.PT &gt; wrote:
From: Fernando Martins [mailto: fr_martins_at_IOL.PT]To: JAXB-INTEREST_at_JAVA.SUN.COMDate: Mon, 5 May 2003 13:05:52 -0600Subject: Marshaller problemsHi,I'm having a problem with the jaxb marshaller. I have the following xsd,And I use the xjc.bat command to build the classes to process this xsd. But I don?t know how to generate a list of parameter elements. I couldn?t find the setParameter(List) method. How can I do this? Can any one help me?Thanks.

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