"JAXB creates uncompilable" OR "handling huge XML schema"

From: Valentine Mayamsin <>
Date: Wed, 20 Apr 2011 10:01:58 -0700

By request, I start discussing the bug:

I tried to compile huge schema, there are ~13MB of XSD files. It compiles
into java files fine, but I when I try to compile these files, javac crashes
with the following error:

$ javac -d bin/ src/x0/xmlapi1/* too many constants
public class ObjectFactory {
1 error

$ wc
287163 1028666 15104373

I tried to hack javac to increase the limits. It compiles fine, but java VM
by itself doesn't recognizes this file. Obviously, hacking JVM is not a good

Martin Grebac <>
to customize generation of such large schema to different packages, but looks
like it's impossible to split the schema into different packages without
modifications since it is provided by 3d party vendor. According to the
documentation (

"Note that this customization is per namespace. That is, even if your schema
is split into multiple schema documents, you cannot put them into different
packages if they are all in the same namespace."
Here is a sample ObjectFactory class:

So, is there any way to split this ObjectFactory into several
classes/packages or any other ideas?

Thank you!