Fwd: Updating distributionManagement in annox, hyperjaxb3, jaxb2-commons, maven-jaxb2-plugin

From: Aleksei Valikov <>
Date: Tue, 18 Sep 2007 10:21:55 +0200

Hi folks,

I am currently deploying certain projects under our
corporate Hudson - to ensure quality of builds.

This concerns annox, hyperjaxb3, jaxb2-commons and maven-jaxb2-plugin projects.

All these projects are maven2 projects. For the artifact deployment to
work correctly from within Hudson, I need to reconfigure the
distribution management. This change only affects developers who
operate/build on SVN/CVS checked-out projects listed above.

Old distribution management configuration was as follows:


New configuration is as follows:


Developers will need to add the appropriate properties to your profile in maven2 settings.xml. If you previously had:


Add these two properties:


It's almost the same, but "file:" scheme is included into URL - this
means we can freely use something like sftp deployment in Hudson.

The changes will be effective in a couple of hours.
