Re: Partial Marshalling

From: Steven Waldren <>
Date: Fri, 21 Oct 2005 19:30:47 -0500

Thanks for the blog entry, it was helpful. I have attached a Class that the
XJC ant task generates (one of many of course) for the XSD I am working
with. I am having trouble understand why I get the following behavior:

A call to marshaller.marshal (ccr.getBody(), System.out); causes
marshalling of the <Body> and child elements (without the actual <Body>
tag). That I understand.

A call to marshaller.marshal (ccr.getActors(), System.out); causes nothing
to be marshalled. That I don't understand.

I tried to add a @XmlRootElement annotation to Actors.class but that did

Is there a way to only marshal <Actors> and its child elements?

Steven E. Waldren, MD, MS
Assistant Director, Center for Health Information Technology
American Academy of Family Physicians
> From: Kohsuke Kawaguchi <>
> Reply-To: <>
> Date: Fri, 14 Oct 2005 11:48:51 -0700
> To: <>
> Subject: Re: Partial Marshalling
> Steven Waldren wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I read through the archives regarding Partial Marshalling and read about and
>> have the source for ElementWrapper. It using a deprecated interface
>> XMLSerailizer. Also the threads were from 2003
>> What is the latest around partial Marshalling?
> Use JAXBElement.
> See 
>> Some of my Java generated classes I can marshal - although the root element
>> is missing-- and some will not marshal anything (Collections).
> Collection, Map, etc can't be marshalled with JAXBElement unfortunately.
> See my post.
> -- 
> Kohsuke Kawaguchi
> Sun Microsystems