problem about xs:choice

From: Amila Suriarachchi <>
Date: Tue, 2 Dec 2003 10:20:42 +0600

<xs:element name="Timing">
                    <xs:element ref="Type"/>
                         <xs:element ref="Period"/>
                         <xs:element ref="Yearly"/>
                         <xs:element ref="Monthly"/>
                         <xs:element ref="Weekly"/>
                         <xs:element ref="Daily"/>
I have used a timing element as above in my application. The problem i
Have is how can I find the second element of the timing element?
As u can see it can be a period, yearly ,monthly, weekly or daily. At
the moment I
Check for null (i.e. I take the not null element after checking
So is there any way to get the second element directly?
This is the method I am currently using
      public Object getChoice(){
            // this is a tempory method to display elements
            // todo : find a properway
            Object choiceObject = null;
                  choiceObject = new Integer(getPeriod());
            }else if(getYearly()!= null){
                  choiceObject = getYearly();
            }else if(getMonthly()!= null){
                  choiceObject = getMonthly();
            }else if(getWeekly()!= null){
                  choiceObject = getWeekly();
            }else if(getDaily()!= null){
                  choiceObject = getDaily();
            }else {
                  System.out.println("error : not matching element");
            return choiceObject;