Re: Marshalling in chunks?

From: <>
Date: Wed, 17 Aug 2005 16:28:08 -0400

>> In 2.0, by using StAXStreamWriter and JAXB, things like this would
>> become really really easy. We'll also take care of namespaces correctly,
>> as JAXB will be able to use in-scope namespaces from StAX.

Is my assumption that JAXB 2.0 requires jdk 1.5 correct? If so, I won't be able to take advantage of it for a long time, as we are an IBM shop, and WAS will probably take a year or more to support 1.5 :(

>> In 1.0, I'm afraid there's not much we can do. I used to write SAX
>> XMLFilter for this kind of things, but it requires more coding than StAX.

If my above assumption is correct, I'd very much like to see a sample SAX XMLFilter, if you can point me to one :) I tried tinkering with the generated SAXMarshaller (pass in the printXmlDeclaration value from MarshallerImpl) to control the NamespaceContextImpl, without much success.
