XJC Plugin: created class doesn’t show up in outline.getClasses()

From: Florian Bachmann <>
Date: Wed, 06 May 2009 21:37:33 +0200

Hi all, I hope you can help me.

If I create a new class like:
CodeModelClassFactory classFactory = outline.getClassFactory();
coordinateClass = classFactory.createClass(kmlpackage, JMod.PUBLIC,
"Coordinate", null, ClassType.CLASS);

// other class related stuff

the class doesn’t show up, if I iterate over the getClasses-collection:
for (final ClassOutline classOutline : outline.getClasses()) {
        createHashCodeAndEqualsMethod((ClassOutlineImpl) classOutline);"---------> " + classOutline.implClass.fullName());

Could you tell me, what’s the proper way, to add a new class in a JAXB
plugin and to process the created class later (in the same plugin)?
